Sub Tenant Agreement Format


    When it comes to renting out a property, subletting can be a common practice. In many cases, tenants may need to temporarily move away for work, education, or other reasons, and want to find someone to occupy their rental unit in their absence. This is where a subtenant agreement comes into play.

    A subtenant agreement is a legal document that formalizes the subleasing relationship between the original tenant and the sublessee. This agreement establishes the terms and conditions that both parties must adhere to for the duration of the sublease, which cannot exceed the original lease period.

    If you`re a tenant who wants to sublet your rental property, you`ll need to obtain the landlord`s permission first and foremost. Once you have their approval, you can proceed to draft a subtenant agreement.

    Here’s a format for a subtenant agreement:

    1. Basic Information

    The first section of the subtenant agreement should contain the basic information of both parties, including their names, contact information, and the rental property address. Make sure to also include the start and end date of the sublease.

    2. Terms of the Original Lease

    This section should state that the sublease is subject to the terms of the original lease in its entirety. It should also include any restrictions or prohibitions on subleasing that may be included in the original lease.

    3. Rent and Security Deposit

    The subtenant agreement should clearly outline the rent amount, payment due date, and payment method. It should also establish the security deposit amount and how it will be handled at the end of the sublease.

    4. Utilities

    Specify which utilities the subtenant is responsible for paying during the sublease. This could include electricity, gas, water, internet, and cable.

    5. Rules and Regulations

    This section should outline the rules and regulations that the sublessee must follow during the sublease period, including any restrictions on smoking, pets, and noise levels.

    6. Maintenance and Repairs

    The subtenant agreement should clarify who will be responsible for performing maintenance and repairs during the sublease period. It should also outline the procedures for reporting and addressing any issues that may arise.

    7. Termination

    The sublease agreement should include a clause that outlines the circumstances under which either party can terminate the agreement. This could include non-payment of rent, violation of terms, or other breaches of the agreement.


    A subtenant agreement is an important legal document that protects both the tenant and sublessee during a subletting arrangement. By including the above elements in your subtenant agreement, you`ll establish clear terms and conditions that will minimize the risks of any misunderstandings or disputes during the sublease period. Be sure to consult with a legal professional if you have any questions or concerns about the subleasing process.